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{"meta":{"keywords":"setting up your new system, setting up your new clx system, your new system,setting up a new system","description":"The holidays are a popular time for folks to order a PC, and often it can be the first time for many to receive a gaming PC as a holiday gift."},"active":true,"show_in_home":true,"show_as_recent":false,"show_as_popular":false,"_id":"63a9cdf5aaeab80eed393767","aid":"setting-up-your-new-system","big_image_path":"setting-up-your-new-system-big.jpg","date":"12/24/2022","elements":[{"content":"<p><strong><br data-mce-bogus='1'></strong></p><p><strong>Some tips for parents and new gamers alike!<br><br></strong></p><p>The holidays are a popular time for folks to order a PC, and often it can be the first time for many to receive a gaming PC as a holiday gift. With a purchase as exciting and big as a new gaming PC, you probably want to make sure that everything goes well with the new setup. We asked around and came up with a few tips from the CLX team that should help you with getting your new rig setup quick and easy this holiday season.<br><br><strong></strong></p><p><strong>Get the foam out</strong></p><p>Now this may seem simple or obvious but trust me it happens, even to us. You get a new PC, open up the box and in sheer excitement plug everything, press start, and hear a horrid grinding sound. That sound is usually packing foam meeting the spinning blade of one of your fans. Now if that happens, don’t worry, just power off the PC and remove the internal foam. The internal foam is integral to ensuring your PC ships without damage to internal components, and it is super easily to pop the side open or off, remove the foam, and reinstall the panel back where it belongs!</p><p><strong><br data-mce-bogus='1'></strong></p><p><strong>Doublecheck that outlet</strong></p><p>This one can be a bit tricky, but all to often we have experienced customers contacting support because their PC suddenly turns off or won’t power on. Some houses or apartments contain switched outlets, IE outlets that you can power off with a switch, just like a light. This may seem obvious, but sometimes an outlet goes unused and saved for that upcoming PC setup in a new building once you’ve moved somewhere new. If that outlet is your only option, definitely talk to your family or roommates about not flicking the switch during gametime!</p><p><strong><br data-mce-bogus='1'></strong></p><p><strong>Check for updates ahead of time</strong></p><p>Now we do our best to ship PCs out with everything as up to date as possible, but shipping times can vary especially during the holiday season. This means a major update to drivers such as your graphics card can happen between us sending the PC out and you receiving it. If you’ve ever gotten a new console, you can probably understand what we’re talking about here. If the PC is a gift, consider giving it a quick check for updates before wrapping it up so the recipient can plug and play, no waiting necessary.</p><p><br></p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p><strong>Let the Graphics Card do its job</strong></p><p>A simple mistake we see all to often, and even have included labels to help avoid are monitors being connected to the motherboard. Now, if you’ve ordered a PC without a graphics card this is the correct course of action. However, with the vast majority of custom gaming PCs containing GPUs, this is a performance slashing mistake to make. Monitors will pull video from whatever they’re plugged into, so if it’s the Motherboard and the CPU has video output, your GPU will nap quietly with the CPU does virtually everything. Make sure to connect those HMDI and Display Port cables to the GPU, typically sitting on its own further down on the rear of the case.</p><p><strong><br data-mce-bogus='1'></strong></p><p><strong>Get the ethernet cable out</strong></p><p>This is more of a recommendation than a tip and based on your situation not an option at all. Regardless we have some important notes for both hardline and wireless users to share. If you can run a cable, we recommend doing so as it will prevent nearly any instability that would be possible over WIFI. However, if you are going with WIFI there are a few things to consider. Firstly, ensure you go with a motherboard that has innate WIFI connectivity built-in, or be sure to include a WIFI-adapter, PCIe cards are the most robust option. When using WIFI try to place as few obstacles such as walls between the PC and the source or router as possible to keep a stable connection.</p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p>And there you have it, a few quick simple tips to keep in mind while building or setting up your custom CLX gaming PC this holiday season, or any time of year! If you’re on the out look for a system, why not check out our selection of <a href='' data-mce-href=''>desktops</a> and customize one yourself!</p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p>","id":"p0","sort_index":0,"type":"paragraph"}],"mid_image_path":"setting-up-your-new-system-mid.jpg","sid":"pc-parts-benchmark","small_image_path":"setting-up-your-new-system-small.jpg","sub_title":"The holidays are a popular time for folks to order a PC, and often it can be the first time for many to receive a gaming PC as a holiday gift.","title":"Setting Up Your New System"}