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{"meta":{"keywords":"gamers, preorder, play, pre-built, gaming, computer","description":"There are two kinds of gamers; those who preorder …d form (and at a lower price) a few months later."},"active":true,"show_in_home":true,"show_as_recent":false,"show_as_popular":false,"_id":"61794c876851bfa41bb689f8","aid":"resident-evil-village","big_image_path":"resident-evil-village-big.jpg","date":"10/26/2021","elements":[{"content":"<p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p>There are two kinds of gamers; those who preorder a game and can't wait to play it the minute it is released (and try to find bugs and glitches to complain about). And those who patiently wait for a game to come out in its most polished form (and at a lower price) a few months later.</p><p><br></p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p>These are both valid ways to enjoy your game. In our case, the team loves to be the first ones to try games as soon as they come out and see how they behave in our most powerful rigs. But we also love to revisit them a few months later to see if titles retain their value over time.</p><p><br></p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p>Resident Evil Village didn't disappoint on any of these fronts, which is a lot to say in an age where Triple-A games promise hundreds of hours but end up being run-of-the-mill grinders or microtransaction money grabs.</p><p><br></p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p>One of the most surprising elements of this game was its short overall length when compared to its predecessors. This time around, Capcom decided to cut back on gameplay length and prioritize a tighter and more compelling story. Indeed, the game can be completed in around 10 hours without missing much, giving many reasonable grounds to fear that this would negatively impact its replayability value.</p><p><br></p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p>However, we didn't feel that was the case because of how the franchise managed to generate a cult following, especially after RE4. Fans never get tired of revisiting that title since its release almost twenty years ago, prompting Capcom to hint they might be launching a remake by tweeting “4” and “Itchy. Tasty” last summer, which was a clear dog whistle for fans of the franchise.</p><p><br></p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p>Resident Evil Village can be described as a successful attempt to go back to what made this franchise awesome, sending the right nostalgic nods to hardcore fans, while offering a fresh experience for those who just want to enjoy a new title that pushes their graphic cards to the max.</p><p><br></p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p>The game offers an incredibly balanced experience that combines the fast action of Resident Evil 4, with the horror themes found in RE7. During our replay, we decided to pay more attention to how the game was designed.</p><p><br></p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p>You get to play Ethan, the same protagonist from RE7. This time you are placed in an Easter European village populated by weird individuals who have no problem letting you know you´re not welcome. The village functions as a hub from where you can visit other areas that dish out different flavors of the horror genre, each with its own lord boss. This was not as obvious during our first run as we were completely immersed, and didn't want de-construction to ruin the suspension of disbelief. But this time around we wanted to see why we liked this game so much, and this sudden realization was a bit aha-moment for us.</p><p><br></p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p>After the tutorial-exposition section of the game, we first head to Lady Dimitri´s Castle. Here, we are treated with full gothic horror reminiscent of older Resident Evil or Alone In The Dark titles. The next section is a creepy doll maker house that submerges us into a deep psychological horror thriller that will give you jump scares more than once. Knowing what's coming does not help in the least, I tell you. Next, you dive into a thalassic horror segment that has all the elements of the Lovecraftian world, tentacles and everything. The fourth section takes to an industrial horror area that answers the question of what would happen if Magneto goes completely mad. Yes, that has come up in a few conversations.</p><p><br></p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p>All these segments are chock-full of puzzles, secrets, and collectibles that will make completionists return over and over again. Plus, after you beat the game, you can come back fully equipped, and give it another run on the more challenging New Game Plus mode. Finishing the game also unlocks Mercenaries Mode, which allows you to test your skills, blasting your way through scenarios filled to the brim with ever tougher enemies.</p><p><br></p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p>The multiplayer Re: Verse was to be released last summer, but Capcom decided it was best to move it to 2022 given how gamers react to unfinished products nowadays (CD Projekt, we´re looking at you). We expect this to increase the title´s replayability value, and give us a great excuse to revisit Castle Dimitri next year.</p><p><br></p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><h2>Do I Need A New Gaming PC To Play Resident Evil Village</h2><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p>In that respect, Village offers a surprisingly fluid performance even on mid-range setups. The devs did a great job at delivering a beautiful game that can be run by most GPUs today at 60fps without batting an eye. We tried the game on an old Nvidia GTX 1070, and the card kept a steady 85 fps during the whole run. This means that older PCs can get you through the game without any major hiccups, provided you prioritize performance on your graphic settings.</p><p><br></p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p>Of course, you want to play this title the way the devs intended, so you will be happy to know that it does support Ray Tracing and AMD´s RDNA2 architecture, making a <strong>prebuilt PC for gaming</strong> with a Radeon card our favorite setup for this title. Resident Evil Village´s max settings require at least 12GB VRAM, and RDNA2 cards to run close to 200 fps without experiencing perceptible drops even during graphic-intensive scenes.</p><p><br></p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p>After finishing the game on NEW Game Plus mode, we were left with a sense of completion few other titles manage to provide. Resident Evil Village does not revolutionize the franchise, but it does take us back to a time when games were enjoyed for what they were.</p><p><br></p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p>We highly recommend this title to anyone interested in a deep story and great playability. However, make sure you play it on a custom <strong>prebuilt PC for gaming</strong> that can deliver the true Resident Evil experience. Purchase one of our <a href='' data-mce-href=''>eligible CLX systems</a>, and get a free copy of Resident Evil Village, with up to a 16% in-game performance boost.</p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p>","id":"p0","sort_index":0,"type":"paragraph"}],"mid_image_path":"resident-evil-village-mid.jpg","sid":"pc-gaming-esports-news","small_image_path":"resident-evil-village-small.jpg","sub_title":"There are two kinds of gamers; those who preorder a game And those who patiently wait for a game to come out in its most polished form","title":"Resident Evil Village: Is It Still Worth Playing?"}