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{"meta":{"keywords":"racing, games, simracing, arcade, racing games","description":"Racing Games: What's Better? SimRacing or Arcade?"},"active":true,"show_in_home":true,"show_as_recent":false,"show_as_popular":false,"_id":"627d6ab4f2f47805816a4a13","aid":"racing-games","big_image_path":"racing-games-big.jpg","date":"05/12/2022","elements":[{"content":"<br><br><p>Now, most games fell into the arcade category back then. The hardware forced developers to settle for simplified physics and game mechanics, so early titles were easy to learn. This was also done to manage frustration and get us hooked on racing, so we kept inserting coins until we were broke.</p><p><br></p><p>However, game developers wanted to push the hardware to the limit and reproduce an experience as close to real-life as possible. That's when arcade and sim racing games took different paths.</p><h2><br data-mce-bogus='1'></h2><h2>What Are SimRacers?</h2><p>Simulation games try to imitate reality in every single one of the aspects that are relevant to the activity being simulated. These games do a great job at matching real-life driving physics, offering players a way to experience what it is like to actually drive a supercar or learn the basics (and etiquette) of racing. The problem with simulation is the sheer amount of information they need to process. It includes fuel usage, tire wear, surface grip, weather effect on performance, and the effects of different tuning configurations. Add the realistic graphics and attention to detail they put into the games, and we are talking about high-performance processing requirements.</p><h2><br data-mce-bogus='1'></h2><h2>What Are Arcade Racers?</h2><p>Arcade games are designed to apply unique laws and logic depending on the gaming experience the developers or studio want the player to go through. While most arcade racing games are about driving a car around a track while competing with AI or other players, they all feel different because developers favor enjoyment over realism, and each title emphasizes or exaggerates the aspect they think their audiences will like the most, while reducing or completely removing elements that might frustrate newcomers.</p><h2><br data-mce-bogus='1'></h2><h2>So, What's Better? SimRacing or Arcade?</h2><p>Many would say that arcade racing games are just games that do not require skills to master. However, their ludic nature does not mean that arcade racing games are not competitive. Once a sizable community is built around a game, no matter how silly it is, you can bet there will be energetic and ruthless competition among extremely skilled players who understand how its unrealistic and fun rules can be used to their advantage.</p><p><br></p><p>The main difference between the two is that arcade games focus on fun and accessibility. For example, car damage is hardly ever an issue, and fuel usage is usually left out of the picture. In most arcade games, you don't even have to use brakes to make sharp turns as tire grip is incredibly solid. Moreover, you can crash your vehicle headfirst into a building at 200mph without making a dent on performance.</p><p><br></p><p>These games usually offer a lot of gameplay innovations, such as power-ups, boost pads, special moves, and items you can throw at your opponents. Again, don´t be fooled by the cartoonish representation of the racing universe. These games can be extremely competitive with vibrant communities that provide unending multiplayer fun. These games require a decent GPU that can dish out consistent FPS for an immersive experience. However, they´re right at home when played on cheap or mid-range PC desktop gaming computers and regular controllers. As I said earlier, arcade racing games are quite accessible.</p><p><br></p><p>On the other hand, the SimRacing community tends to be extremely picky. For them, any point between reality and fantasy is still fantasy. So they´re usually trying to replicate every aspect of driving an actual car and pushing it to the limit. Most tracks you find in racing simulation titles have been laser-scanned from real-life locations. It means that every detail, curve, patch of grass, and bump has been taken into account. Additionally, each car has its own physics and reacts differently to acceleration, wind conditions, weight distribution, and tire wear.</p><p><br></p><p>Racing Simulation also depends a lot more on peripherals. The point of playing racing simulators is to feel as if you were driving in a real track on a real track. Enthusiasts and hobbyists usually spend top money building sim racing cockpits that allow them to feel they are inside their favorite set of wheels.</p><p><br></p><p>Racing sims are used by pilots when they want to learn certain tracks, or those who want to feel the thrill of being a real racing pilot. The gameplay focuses on learning how to use brakes efficiently, developing muscle memory, following an efficient race line, and taking curves like a real pro.</p><p><br></p><p>Those who want to experience racing simulators in triple 4k monitors, need to power their rigs with high-end graphic cards and processors to make sure they feel they are inside a cockpit. They also need racing steering wheels that are powerful and accurate enough to provide the right amount of Force Feedback. This information is vital for racers as they need to understand how the car interacts with the track and when it starts losing its grip. Controllers today do provide players with this information in the form of vibrations, but only pro steering wheels offer precise feedback and wheel resistance to allow players to understand what's going on with their car and react accordingly. With these, you feel every bump on the road and even changes in texture in the track surface.</p><p><br></p><p>If you are into racing simulation, you need an expertly built gaming rig. You can build your PC desktop gaming computer here at CLX Gaming, or let our experienced PC builders help you choose the right components for your next racing rig.</p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p>","id":"p0","sort_index":0,"type":"paragraph"}],"mid_image_path":"racing-games-mid.jpg","sid":"pc-gaming-esports-news","small_image_path":"racing-games-small.jpg","sub_title":"Racing games have been a staple in the video game industry ever since people realized PC desktop computers offered a new and ..","title":"Racing Games: What's Better? SimRacing or Arcade?"}