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{"meta":{"keywords":"fortnite, chapter, season, first, week, recap, crafting,","description":"Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 6: First Week Recap, Crafting Guide, and More"},"active":true,"show_in_home":true,"show_as_recent":false,"show_as_popular":false,"_id":"605b36a48ddae145fb356b35","aid":"fortnite-season-6","article_image_alt":"fortnite season 6","big_image_path":"fortnite-season-6-big.jpg","date":"03/23/2021","elements":[{"alt":"first content image","content":"first-content-image.jpg","id":"img0","sort_index":0,"type":"image"},{"content":"<p><br></p><p>Dubbed “Primal,” the theme here certainly has a wild tinge, which is exactly what Epic Games was going for it seems. With the introduction of wildlife, new locations reminiscent of prehistoric tribal encampments, and a rudimentary crafting system reliant on bones and scrap parts scavenged from around the map, things in the <em>Fortnite</em> universe have taken a decidedly savage turn.</p><p><br></p><p>Everyone’s favorite beast hunter and tomb raider extraordinaire, Lara Croft, even makes an appearance on the Battle Pass.</p><p><br></p><p>Below we will cover everything you need to know regarding all of the new elements introduced with Chapter 2 Season 6, including a quick guide to crafting, how to hunt (or tame) the local fauna, and an array of other important gameplay updates. We will also talk performance and the ideal <strong>custom gaming computer</strong> you might want to look into if you intend on getting the most out of <em>Fortnite</em> as we venture deeper into 2021 and beyond.</p><h2><br data-mce-bogus='1'></h2><h2>New Content and Game Mechanics</h2><p>Most new seasons in <em>Fortnite</em> bring important and often welcome changes: new locations to explore, new weapons to try out, and perhaps the addition of a new gameplay element or two.</p><p><br></p><p>Unlike prior seasons, especially as of late, Chapter 2 Season 6 has brought with it a ton of new content that quite literally changes the game. Outside of the concept of upgrading weapons, which was introduced at the start of Chapter 2 back in the fall of 2019, these might be some of the most significant changes BR has ever seen.</p><h3><br data-mce-bogus='1'></h3><h3>Power vs Precision: Two Different Styles of Gunplay</h3><p>The most impactful change, and the most interesting, has to do with the introduction of “makeshift” and “primal” weapons, and the new crafting mechanic that these weapons revolve around.</p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p>","id":"p1","sort_index":1,"type":"paragraph"},{"alt":"second image","content":"second-content-image.jpg","id":"img2","sort_index":2,"type":"image"},{"content":"<p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p>Throughout most of Chapter 2, the weapon loot pool has been fairly straightforward. Explore the map, equip yourself with your desired loadout, and if you have the means, use an upgrade bench to bump up the rarity, and therefore the power. Last season this system was replaced with NPCs that allowed you to purchase upgrades with gold bars rather than spend mats at an upgrade bench.</p><p><br></p><p>However, this season has completely changed the idea of weapon upgrades completely. Now, along with traditional pump shotguns and assault rifles, you will find “makeshift” weapons and “primal” weapons.</p><p><br></p><p>A makeshift weapon is just how it sounds. A relatively underpowered weapon cobbled together from scraps. They generally have a low ammo capacity, poor accuracy, and weak damage output.</p><p><br></p><p>What is remarkable about these new weapons is the fact that you can craft them into either traditional weapons or primal weapons with the help of mechanical parts and bones respectively. Granted you have enough of these new materials in your inventory, you can upgrade these weapons anytime, anywhere, making for gameplay that is far more strategic than what <em>Fortnite</em> fans may be used to.</p><p><br></p><p>These two branches of weapons, traditional and primal, give players an important choice to make during the course of a match. Do you go for precision and reliability, or raw power?</p><p><br></p><p><em>Fortnite’s</em> traditional line of weapons offer first shot accuracy, tight shotgun spreads, and respectable magazine sizes. The new set of Primal weapons, on the other hand, may be less accurate and harder to use, but pack a serious punch with incredible damage output and fast fire rates.</p><p><br></p><p>For long-time fans of the game, the Legendary Primal Shotgun plays almost like the original Double-Barrel Shotgun, which many considered to be overpowered. The Legendary Primal Assault Rifle may not have the accuracy and dependability of <em>Fortnite’s</em> classic “Gold SCAR,” yet has an insane fire rate that can put serious pressure on opponents.</p><p><br></p><p>This variance in gunplay gives the player more options and more control over how they want to play. While you’re not always guaranteed to get your optimal loadout as soon as you drop from the Battle Bus, all you have to do is collect some crafting materials, find a few makeshift weapons, and you’re good to go.</p><h3><br data-mce-bogus='1'></h3><h3><br data-mce-bogus='1'></h3><h3>Hunting Wildlife in <em>Fortnite</em>?</h3><p>With the introduction of crafting comes brand new crafting materials. While the Mechanical Parts that you need in order to make the traditional weapons can be found from cars and other vehicles, your primary source for Animal Bones will come from the newfound wildlife strewn about.</p><p><br></p><p>Yes, <em>Fortnite</em> has finally added an assortment of enemy beasts to the landscape, all of which drop different kinds of loot and serve various purposes. These new additions feel right at home in <em>Fortnite’s</em> zany yet atmospheric universe.</p><p><br></p><p>For instance, you can scoop up a chicken and utilize its mindlessly flapping wings for a boosted jump that has become a somewhat reliable new means of getting around the map. In the middle of the woods you might happen upon a pack of wolves, which will openly chase and attack the player if disturbed.</p><p><br></p><p>You can dispatch these beasts as you would other NPCs, in order to obtain Meat (a new healing item), or Animal Bones. Frogs also drop Stink Sacs, which are used in crafting.</p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p>","id":"p3","sort_index":3,"type":"paragraph"},{"alt":"third image","content":"third-content-image.jpg","id":"img4","sort_index":4,"type":"image"},{"content":"<p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p>While there is nothing revolutionary about the addition of animals in <em>Fortnite</em> (we’ve already been graced with sharks and zombies, after all), they do add another dimension to the gameplay. Slow mid-game? Pick up one of the new bows and start hunting for supplies in the middle of the match.</p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><h3>Crafting Replaces Upgrading</h3><p>As stated above, upgrading has almost been phased out completely in lieu of crafting. While a few NPCs still offer weapon upgrades from time to time, this once common mechanic is not so prevalent this season. This means you are going to have to become knowledgeable in regards to all of the various crafting recipes that are available.</p><p><br></p><p>Traditional and Primal assault rifles, shotguns, SMGs, and pistols aren’t the only weapons you can craft. Using the new bow class weapons, you can fashion 4 game-changing weapons that currently define the meta.</p><p><br></p><p>The Primal Flame Bow works like a poor man’s Dragon’s Breath Sniper Rifle from last season, dealing reliable damage at a distance while also lighting wooden structures on fire. The Primal Stink Bow fires a similarly strong projectile while creating a Stink Bomb DOT effect, albeit in a smaller radius. Both bows are great for flushing out boxed-up opponents.</p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p>","id":"p5","sort_index":5,"type":"paragraph"},{"alt":"fourth image","content":"fourth-content-image.jpg","id":"img6","sort_index":6,"type":"image"},{"content":"<p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p>You can also craft Mechanical Explosive Bows, which create a few small localized explosions that deal modest damage, while the Mechanical Shockwave Bow currently offers the best combination of damage and functionality of all the bows. Equipped with a “Shockwave Grenade” effect, you can use this weapon to either give yourself a mobility boost, or use it to control opponent movement. If caught in the radius of a Mechanical Shockwave Bow’s arrow, an opponent will go flying in the opposite direction. Perfect for pushing opponents into the storm late game, or for simply getting attackers off your back in tense situations.</p><p><br></p><p>These unique bows, along with the higher tier Mechanical and Primal weapons, are rather rare, which means you are not likely to find them from chests. Knowing how to craft them yourself using raw materials might make the difference between getting a Victory Royale and getting sent packing to the lobby.</p><h4><br data-mce-bogus='1'></h4><h4><br data-mce-bogus='1'></h4><h4>Current Crafting Material Locations</h4><p><br></p><p><strong>Animal Bones </strong>(for Primal Weapons)</p><p><br></p><ul><li>Wild Animals (Wolves, Chickens, Boars, and Frogs)</li><li>Harvest from Skulls and Skeletons around the map</li><li>Harvest from tables with large meat on them at locations such as Boney Burbs and Colossal Crops</li><li>Sold by certain NPCs for 10 gold bars each (Rex, Tarana, and Stage Slayer)</li></ul><p><br></p><p><strong>Mechanical Parts </strong>(for Traditional Weapons)</p><p><br></p><ul><li>Harvest from Drivable Vehicles</li><li>Harvest from undriveable vehicles (RVs, busses, tractors, forklifts, busted cars)</li><li>Harvest from red tool chests around the map</li><li>Sold by certain NPCs for 10 gold bars each (Cole, Jules, and Grill Sergeant)</li></ul><p><br></p><p><strong>Firefly Jar </strong>(for the Primal Flame Bow)</p><p><br></p><ul><li>Can be collected wherever fireflies are spotted. Usually in wooded areas at night</li></ul><p><strong>Gas Cans </strong>(for the Primal Flame Bow)</p><p><br></p><ul><li>Found throughout the map. Check garages and the backs of buildings</li></ul><p><br></p><p><strong>Stink Fish </strong>(for the Primal Stink Bow)</p><p><strong> </strong></p><ul><li>Can be fished from any fishing spot</li></ul><p><br></p><p><strong>Stink Sac </strong>(for the Primal Stink Bow)</p><p><strong> </strong></p><ul><li>Dropped by Frogs (found mostly in swampy areas)</li></ul><p><br></p><p><strong>Shockwave Grenades </strong>(For the Mechanical Shockwave Bow)</p><p><strong> </strong></p><ul><li>Ground loot and chests</li></ul><p><br></p><p><strong>Grenades </strong>(for the Mechanical Explosive Bow)</p><p><strong> </strong></p><ul><li>Ground loot and chests</li></ul><h3><br data-mce-bogus='1'></h3><h3><br data-mce-bogus='1'></h3><h3>NPCs Are Back, But With a Twist</h3><p>Last season, Epic introduced NPCs into the <em>Fortnite</em> map, which served a variety of functions. They would offer quests in exchange for gold bars (the new in-game currency, a popular concept seemingly borrowed from <em>Call of Duty: Warzone</em>), weapon upgrades, items to purchase, and more. In some cases, you could even hire these NPCs for a round and they would follow you throughout the duration of the match and lend a hand.</p><p><br></p><p>Much of these same mechanics make a welcome return in Season 6, along with gold bars as payment. Now when you interact with the NPCs, they have a small chance of giving you a free item, weapon, or building materials. A few even offer to transform you into a prop, a mechanic that was only ever in BR for a short time back in Chapter 1 Season X.</p><p><br></p><p>While their number has lessened, a few NPCs still offer Exotic Weapons for sale:</p><p><br></p><ul><li>Hop Rock Dualies, available from Gutbomb</li><li>Shadow Tracker, available from Power Chord</li><li>The Dub, available from Burnout</li><li>Chug Cannon, available from Slurp Jonesy</li></ul><p><br></p><p>While the first two are somewhat useful, the latter two are still game-changing weapons that you might want to think about grabbing if you have some gold to spare.</p><h3><br data-mce-bogus='1'></h3><h3><br data-mce-bogus='1'></h3><h3>Brand New POIs and Map Changes</h3><p>What would a new <em>Fortnite</em> season be without changes to the map?</p><p><br></p><p>This season has brought with it some of the most dramatic changes to Chapter 2’s island yet.</p><p><br></p><p>As usual, the center of the island has seen the most dramatic transformation. Now known simply as The Spire, this giant edifice now dominates the skyline and serves as a focal point of the story this season. Extending outward from this location is a new primal wilderness featuring autumn-colored trees, barbarian forts, various ruins, and brand-new POIs.</p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p>","id":"p7","sort_index":7,"type":"paragraph"},{"alt":"fifth image","content":"fifth-content-image.jpg","id":"img8","sort_index":8,"type":"image"},{"content":"<p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p>The Colosseum from last season has been reimagined as Colossal Crops, a hybrid between an ancient arena and farm.</p><p><br></p><p>The hybrid of Salty Springs and Tilted Towers from last season (Salty Towers) has mutated once again, and is now dubbed “Boney Burbs.” It too takes on the same wild vibe as the Spire, with an assortment of makeshift dwellings and ruined remnants of Tilted and Salty.</p><p><br></p><p>Other standout locations include the 6 “towers” around the map that are guarded by formidable NPCs. Defeating these strange AI opponents will yield great loot and a special item that you can take to The Spire in exchange for a pair of ultra-rare Mythic Spire Jump Boots, which grant you additional mobility.</p><p><br></p><p>Not unlike the Faction Chests from prior seasons, there are now secret Bunker Chests around the map, usually hidden in basements and similar areas, which drop better-than-average loot.</p><h3><br data-mce-bogus='1'></h3><h3><br data-mce-bogus='1'></h3><h3>An Explosive Surprise</h3><p>There’s one more new addition worth a mention that may get overlooked even after playing through several new matches: the Cuddle Fish.</p><p><br></p><p>Unlike the new Stink Fish, this item is not used in crafting. These squid-like fish actually work like a combination between a proximity mine and a sticky grenade. You can place them in discrete locations where they will simply remain until an unsuspecting opponent happens to cross their path. You can also toss them right at an opponent, and they will latch on and explode after a short duration. Use them to set a trap or to simply harass opponents as they attempt a push. Either way, these strange little guys are worth carrying around.</p><h2><br data-mce-bogus='1'></h2><h2><br data-mce-bogus='1'></h2><h2>Highs and Lows of the Season 6 Battle Pass</h2><p>While last season had a few notable standouts on the Battle Pass, such as The Mandalorian (replete with Grogu in tow), and the popular cell-shaded Lexa, Chapter 2 Season 6 seems to offer a better crop of characters.</p><p><br></p><p>Starting with Agent Jones himself at Tier 1, who has been a main character of the winding <em>Fortnite</em> “storyline” since the start of Chapter 2, it only gets better from there. At Tier 15, players unlock Lara Croft (featuring an unlockable style that mimics her original PSone aesthetics), which is reason enough to buy the Pass.</p><p><br></p><p>Other notable highlights include Raven from DC’s <em>Teen Titans</em> at Tier 77, and Cluck, a giant anthropomorphic chicken at Tier 61. The Tier 100 skin, Spire Assassin, is probably one of the slickest and detailed among <em>Fortnite’s</em> entire roster of Tier 100s.</p><p><br></p><p>It would appear that the choice to have famous Brazillian soccer player Neymar Jr as the “secret skin” has many fans of the game excited and others a bit confused. It remains to be seen how the skin will look, as it is currently locked and not in the game files.</p><p><br></p><p>Compared with recent Battle Passes, this one gets high marks simply for having story-relevant characters alongside very well done collaborations. Quality emotes such as Clean Sweep and Evasive Maneuvers as well as one of the fanciest gliders in the game to date, Soaring Soul-Self, round out a solid Pass.</p><h2><br data-mce-bogus='1'></h2><h2><br data-mce-bogus='1'></h2><h2>Performance Challenges</h2><p>As fans of <em>Fortnite</em> know all too well, new seasons typically bring new performance issues. Part of the reason for this is that Epic Games continues to push the envelope when it comes to what the game has to offer. When <em>Fortnite</em> was first released, it was recognized as a very simplistic game that ran well on most PCs. Those days are long gone, as the game has dramatically evolved with ever-increasing amounts of content, more complex visual effects, and new gameplay mechanics.</p><p><br></p><p>These days, a well-equipped custom gaming computer is almost a necessity if you intend on running <em>Fortnite</em> at high graphics settings, unless you are satisfied with sluggish framerates.</p><p><br></p><p>At the start of last season, Epic even released a brand new “mode” for <em>Fortnite</em>, dubbed <a href='' data-mce-href=''>Performance Mode</a>. This is a visually pared-down version of the normal game that essentially lets PC players use mobile-quality graphics settings in order to achieve optimal framerates. While some are more than happy to play the game like this, the reality is the mode does <em>Fortnite </em>an injustice, as it simply makes the game appear washed out and unattractive.</p><p><br></p><p>Performance Mode is not a realistic option for most players who simply want to enjoy the game how it is supposed to look and feel. Unfortunately, Chapter 2 Season 6 hasn’t been kind in terms of performance degradation, with frame spikes and lag a consistent problem without the proper hardware. Gaming PCs that once handled <em>Fortnite</em> deftly back in 2017 may struggle to keep up now, but this should come as no surprise. A new generation of consoles just hit the market and games on all platforms are rapidly evolving. Being at the forefront of innovation in the industry means that <em>Fortnite</em> is always going to be raising the bar.</p><p><br></p><p>If you want to continue to enjoy <em>Fortnite</em> to the fullest, a high-performance custom gaming PC might be the solution you need.</p><h2><br data-mce-bogus='1'></h2><h2><br data-mce-bogus='1'></h2><h2>A Custom Gaming Computer Built to Handle <em>Fortnite</em></h2><p>If you want to play <em>Fortnite</em> on Epic settings without your frames taking a hit, you need a beefy gaming rig that can accommodate your needs. The truth is that PC gaming requires a certain degree of serious investment if you really want to experience games like <em>Fortnite</em> like they were meant to be played.</p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p>","id":"p9","sort_index":9,"type":"paragraph"},{"alt":"clx gaming pc","content":"clx-gaming-pc.jpg","id":"img10","sort_index":10,"type":"image"},{"content":"<p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p>While you certainly don’t need to purchase the most expensive graphics card or processor you can find, you do need to pay attention to the components and put together a <strong>custom gaming computer</strong> that will not only allow you to play today’s games at the proper settings, but will let you do so for the foreseeable future.</p><p><br></p><p>Here at CLX, professional-quality <a href='' data-mce-href=''>gaming PCs</a> are at the heart of everything we do. With our comprehensive and flexible online PC builder, you can create a computer that will let you run and gun with your squad without having to think twice about your frames. With an impressive array of possible component options, you can fine-tune your rig to your desired specifications, ensuring that you come out with a custom PC that matches both your needs and your budget.</p><p><br></p><p>If you are a long-time <em>Fortnite</em> fan and find it difficult to enjoy Chapter 2 Season 6 without experiencing frame drops, don’t settle for Performance Mode. Take advantage of our wide selection of powerful gaming PCs and customize your ideal PC loadout right here at <a href='' data-mce-href=''></a>.</p><p><br></p><p>Want to stay updated with our latest offers and industry news? Join us over on <a href='' data-mce-href=''>Instagram</a>, <a href='' data-mce-href=''>Twitter</a>, and <a href='' data-mce-href=''>Facebook</a>, and remember to always <a href='' data-mce-href=''>#EvokeTheGods</a></p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p>","id":"p11","sort_index":11,"type":"paragraph"}],"mid_image_path":"fortnite-season-6-mid.jpg","sid":"pc-gaming-esports-news","small_image_path":"fortnite-season-6-small.jpg","sub_title":"We’re one week into what is arguably Fortnite’s most ambitious season yet. *","title":"Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 6: First Week Recap, Crafting Guide, and More"}