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{"meta":{"keywords":"apex, apex legends, arenas, live, clx, set, gaming, computer, rocky","description":"Respawn Entertainment Launches a Highly-Anticipated 3v3 Arena Shooter"},"active":true,"show_in_home":true,"show_as_recent":false,"show_as_popular":false,"_id":"60a6775d8d85183c1ce26e7e","aid":"apex-legends","big_image_path":"apex-legends-big.jpg","date":"05/20/2021","elements":[{"content":"<p align='left'><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p align='left'><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p align='left'>Although the last few years have seemingly been dominated by battle royales, the appeal of arena-style shooters can’t be argued either. With games like <em>Valorant</em> coming out of nowhere and rising to prominence, and with <em>Overwatch 2</em> on the distant horizon, this genre is more popular than ever.</p><p align='left'><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p align='left'>With its addictive skill-based gunplay and team-based mechanics revolving around “legends” with unique abilities, it would seem as though <em>Apex Legends</em> already had all the pieces it needed to fashion an arena shooter of its own, and that’s exactly what developer Respawn Entertainment did.</p><p align='left'><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p align='left'>With the dawning of Season 9: Legacy, Respawn has unveiled a brand new gamemode: <a href='' data-mce-href=''><span style='color: red;'><u>Apex Arenas</u></span></a>. A fully fleshed out arena shooter within the framework of <em>Apex Legends</em>, complete with a store system and brand new maps.</p><p align='left'><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p align='left'>Below we will highlight many of the best features of this new gamemode and also dive into the fan reception of the new season as well.</p><p align='left'><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><h2 class='western'>A Few Rocky Seasons</h2><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p align='left'><em>Apex Legends</em> as a whole has been in somewhat of a weird place over the past year or so. While it started off strong back in Q1 of 2019, the game has been plagued by balance issues and a variety of other problems.</p><p align='left'><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p align='left'>With any hero-based game, there’s bound to be balancing issues. This is something that popular team-based shooters such as Overwatch have struggled with pretty much the entire time they have been out. Regardless of how well the developers tweak the different abilities of the individual characters, a “meta” always seems to form and certain heroes become dominant over the others.</p><p align='left'><br></p><p align='left'>While this was easier to manage when <em>Apex Legends</em> first launched with its modest roster of 8 heroes, or legends, that number has more than doubled, to a hefty 17 legends, including the newest face and one of the most controversial legends to date: Valkyrie.</p><p align='left'><br></p><p align='left'>One of the key problems in games like this is that the more heroes you add, the harder it is to balance the game. And in a skill-based game where even a small exploit or cheesy tactic can ruin the entire gameplay experience, it can be daunting for the developers to have to constantly keep the game on course.</p><p align='left'><br></p><p align='left'>It wasn’t long after the second season dropped that unwelcome balance changes and an array of other issues began marring the game’s appeal. What was once thought of as the “next best battle royale” lost some steam, as season after season the playerbase seemed increasingly divided over the direction of the game.</p><p align='left'><br></p><p align='left'>Here are just a few of the hurdles the game has had to overcome over the past couple of years:</p><p align='left'><br></p><ul><li><p align='left'>While the original map, Kings Canyon, was a fan favorite, the additional maps added to the game have been met with mixed feelings. World’s Edge, specifically, was not well received.</p></li><li><p align='left'>A general power creep in the Legend’s abilities has pushed the game more in the direction of relying on abilities versus weapons. When Apex first launched, the skill gap primarily revolved around the gunplay (most notably timing with the Peacekeeper shotgun and hitting your shots with the Wingman revolver). Some fans feel as though the game has drifted away from what made it so popular in the first place, now that there are so many legends, each with a variety of game changing abilities.</p></li><li><p align='left'>Some legends have not fared well over the years, as they have either been nerfed or have been rendered obsolete in light of various changes in the game and the abilities of other legends. Lifeline, a fan favorite of the early seasons for her clutch care packages, revive shield, and speedy healing, is completely non-meta at this point.</p></li><li><p align='left'>Battle Pass content is another issue fans have had a problem with. While it’s hard to compete with the likes of Fortnite in this area, many fans of the game have had concerns over some legends getting more content than others, as well as a general lack of quality in some aspects of the skins and other perks.</p></li><li><p align='left'>Glitches have also plagued the game at different times, resulting in any number of strange problems such as players losing their expensive and rare heirloom cosmetics and other frustrating situations. While Respawn has been quick to address these issues, many have been recurring, with new seasons often bringing a tidal wave of complaints to Reddit and other social channels.</p></li></ul><p align='left'><br></p><p align='left'>While <em>Apex Legends</em> has certainly carved out a niche for itself as the only successful hero-based Battle Royale to date, it’s clearly not without its problems. This has caused the game to become overshadowed by the likes of Call of Duty: Warzone and Fortnite’s continued dominance of the BR field.</p><h2 class='western'><br data-mce-bogus='1'></h2><h2 class='western'>An Overview of The Arena Format</h2><p align='left'><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p align='left'>Despite these challenges, the core gameplay of <em>Apex Legends</em> has always been spectacular. With incredible character designs and voice acting, slick gunplay, fun abilities, and an overall satisfying experience, <em>Apex Legends</em> remains one of the best battle royales to date and offers plenty of fun for free, which is hard to argue with.</p><p align='left'><br></p><p align='left'>What can’t be argued is that the game has been in need of new content. Something to reignite hype for the game and draw in new players as well as old ones that may have left for the greener pastures of <em>Warzone</em>.</p><p align='left'><br></p><p align='left'>Enter <em>Apex Legends</em> Season 9: Legacy.</p><p align='left'><br></p><p align='left'>There were rumors of a big refresh coming for a while, with claims that Titanfall content would even be coming to Apex. While that content has yet to materialize, Season 9 did bring with it what is perhaps the biggest update to date: Apex Arenas.</p><p align='left'><br></p><p align='left'>Arena shooters are certainly not a new concept. In fact, this format is still one of the most dominant competitive gaming formats out there right now, with games like <em>CS;GO</em>, <em>Overwatch</em>, and <em>Valorant</em> all offering a unique take.</p><p align='left'><br></p><p align='left'>The new <em>Apex Legends</em> gamemode is a permanent addition that seeks to draw in hardcore Apex fans as well as fresh players that love the arena format but who don’t care much for Battle Royale. The arena-style matches are played on unique custom maps designed specifically for this game mode, and feature a 3v3 format.</p><p align='left'><br></p><p align='left'>The goal is to eliminate the other team in a best of 3 scenario. However, you must win by two, so the matches can wind up in a tied 4 to 4 situation that ends up in a sudden death round. As with similar games such as Valorant, players start in a “buy phase” where they can purchase abilities, guns, and heals, or save up their money for the next round. Equipping yourself with the proper loadout then becomes a massive strategic element.</p><p align='left'>While there is no ground loot as in the BR mode, there are a few loot chests (capsules) and a single supply drop that will appear later in the match. As the arenas are much smaller than a battle royale map and because you can’t rely on escaping or a 3rd party to save you or distract the enemy, these matches are faster paced and rely purely on skill and outwitting your opponent.</p><h2 class='western'><br data-mce-bogus='1'></h2><h2 class='western'>The Perfect Fit For <em>Apex Legends</em></h2><p align='left'><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p align='left'>You don’t need to be a professional gamer or <em>Apex Legends</em> veteran to see why an arena mode like this might be just what was needed in order to generate excitement. With 17 incredibly well-designed legends, all with unique abilities, a competitive team-based arena shooter seems like a no-brainer decision.</p><p align='left'><br></p><p align='left'>What’s interesting about this new game mode is that it allows for a greater diversity of playstyles than what you typically see in the meta of the BR. Legends that may not see much use in the BR these days, such as Lifeline, actually shine in the arena format. Her ability to heal other players means less of a need to spend money on heals during the buy phase, just as an example. Mirage is another example of an underutilized legend that functions incredibly well in the confines of the arena, where a single distraction (such as a well-timed bamboozle) could disrupt the enemy long enough to make a push on their position.</p><p align='left'><br></p><p align='left'>Legends that are already quite useful in the battle royale see renewed purpose in the arena, such as Wattson and her signature electrified fences, as well as Bloodhound’s crucial “wall hacking” abilities.</p><p align='left'><br></p><p align='left'>With a few exceptions on specific abilities, the entire <em>Apex Legends</em> roster can be put to some use in the arena format, granted they are matched up alongside other legends that have great synergy with one another. This added level of team chemistry and skill gives <em>Apex Legends</em> an entirely new dimension and a new way to experience your favorite legends or explore new ones.</p><p align='left'><br></p><p align='left'>At the end of the day, regardless of how well the idea behind Apex Arenas is, the player response is what matters most. The reception to this new format has been, to put it mildly, emphatically positive. Even as many consider Season 9 to be somewhat of a rocky season (mostly due to certain balance changes and Valkyrie’s early dominance in the meta), the arena mode has been a huge hit and what many consider a step in the right direction for the game as a whole.</p><p align='left'><br></p><p align='left'>While Apex still struggles with a litany of balancing issues, many of these are naturally corrected and mitigated in the arena. Which opens up the question of whether or not it is possible to completely balance 17+ legends for a battle royale while also considering the balance of the available weapon pool. It remains to be seen what Respawn Entertainment does in terms of helping the BR thrive, but for now the arena offers players a whole new way to play, develop their skills, and a place where the IP can evolve in a brand new direction that may allow for greater leniency when it comes to legend abilities and the state of the game in general.</p><h2 class='western'><br data-mce-bogus='1'></h2><h2 class='western'>Tips For Winning in the Apex Arena</h2><p><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p align='left'>For Apex fans new to the arena or arena-based shooters in general, the new mode can seem daunting and difficult to manage. While battle royale style games often allow for slower-paced gameplay, with the choice of landing apart from enemy teams in order to loot up and get your bearings, the arena tosses you in with the enemy team from the start and you need to be ready to make the right decisions in order to win.</p><p align='left'><br></p><p align='left'>It is recommended that if you want to excel in the arena, to have a suitable gaming computer that can handle <em>Apex Legends</em>. Not a “lightweight” game by any means, the recommended system requirements include the Intel i5 3570K (or an equivalent), and a powerful mid-range graphics card such as the Nvidia GeForce GTX 970 or AMD Radeon R9 290, according to EA’s own website. In reality, you may want to go with an even beefier GPU and 16 GB of RAM if you really want to play without having to worry about your frames.</p><p align='left'><br></p><p align='left'>That being said, here are some tips that you will want to digest if you are serious about taking on this new <em>Apex Legends</em> game mode:</p><p align='left'><br></p><ul><li><p align='left'>Unlike a BR, where spreading out can sometimes play to your advantage, such as for scouting reasons, in an arena shooter you generally want to move as a team. Don’t stray too far from your team unless you have a very specific gameplan in mind.</p></li><li><p align='left'>You have a limited amount of your tactical and ultimate abilities based on what you purchase during the buy phase. This means that you can’t afford to spam your abilities or use them as a crutch. For instance, in the BR mode it’s practically a natural instinct to use Bangalore’s smoke or Wraith’s tunnels the second a gunfight goes awry. However, you may only have a single charge to work with or in some cases none at all, which means you have to go into a gunfight with a different approach in mind.</p></li><li><p align='left'>Try and wait for the enemy to make the first move or slip up. Being overly aggressive in an arena shooter is often a quick way to lose.</p></li><li><p align='left'>While the care package will have powerful guns that could turn the tide of a match, be aware that you should only approach it with a strategy in mind for cover, such as Gibraltar's shield.</p></li><li><p align='left'>You cannot get respawned, but you can get revived. Once you’re completely eliminated, that’s it, so playing too recklessly has its drawbacks.</p></li><li><p align='left'>Teamwork and the right callouts are absolutely essential. In an arena shooter, information is everything, so you constantly want to be processing what is going on around you and relaying it to your teammates as needed. Teamwork is how you win games, period.</p></li></ul><h2 class='western'><br data-mce-bogus='1'></h2><h2 class='western'>Take on The Arena With Our Set Gaming PC</h2><p align='left'><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p align='left'>Want to be crowned Champion of the Arena? You’re going to need a gaming desktop that can handle long play sessions and high framerates. If you want a rig that is highly customizable and that will allow you to handle games like Apex without any issue, our <a href='' data-mce-href=''><span style='color: red;'><u>Set gaming PC</u></span></a> may be exactly what you need.</p><p align='left'><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p align='left'><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p>","id":"p0","sort_index":0,"type":"paragraph"},{"alt":"clx-gaming-set","content":"clx-set.jpg","id":"img1","sort_index":1,"type":"image"},{"content":"<p align='left'><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p><p align='left'>Despite being well-optimized, games like <em>Apex Legends</em> can put a strain on lower end PCs. Even if you are a casual gamer that only intends on jumping into the arena every once in a while, you still want to have an enjoyable experience and not have to worry about frame stutters deciding the outcome of a match.</p><p align='left'><br></p><p align='left'>If that’s the case, a gaming PC like Set has the kind of features you are looking for. The ultimate configurator, you can customize Set with a stunning variety of chipset options, and with support for up to the Intel Core i9 10900K or AMD Ryzen 9 5950X, power is not something you will have to think twice about. You can outfit your gaming rig exactly how you want it, with our comprehensive PC builder, which includes purely cosmetic options as well.</p><p align='left'><br></p><p align='left'>Don’t let performance keep you from competing at your best. Experience Season 9 of <em>Apex Legends</em> in high resolution and with the smooth performance you are looking for with the help of a professional-quality <a href='' data-mce-href=''><span style='color: red;'><u>CLX gaming PC</u></span></a>.</p><p align='left'><br data-mce-bogus='1'></p>","id":"p2","sort_index":2,"type":"paragraph"}],"mid_image_path":"apex-legends-mid.jpg","sid":"pc-gaming-esports-news","small_image_path":"apex-legends-small.jpg","sub_title":"Respawn Entertainment Launches a Highly-Anticipated 3v3 Arena Shooter ","title":"Does Apex Arenas Live Up To The Hype?"}